3 thoughts on “Parasites on cats and dogs”

  1. The parasites on the dogs and cats are mainly divided into body surface parasites and parasites in the body. The body surface parasites are mainly lice, fleas, tapeworms, chiggle mites, rescue mites, etc. , Hookworms, Jiadi worms, trichomonas, balls, etc. Generally speaking, cats and dogs before adulthood need one month for in vitro deworming and deworming in vivo. After adulthood, it takes one month to carry out in vitro deworming, and once every three months of deworming.
    First of all, the shovelers need to understand the types of parasites on the cats and the characteristics of these parasitic infections.

    In general, from the place where the parasites live, the parasites on the cat can be divided into two categories:

    1) In vitro parasites: in vitro The body surface is mainly nodular animals. It is mainly divided into flea, tapeworms, chiggons, and itching mites.

    2) Parasites in the body: Parasites in the body are more complicated. Mainly divided into tapeworms, tapeworms, hookworms and heartworms.

    The characteristics of cat parasites infection are divided into four categories:

    , no seasonal infection. The parasites on the cat may be infected all year round, and it may affect the cat's health at all times.

    . The human and cats are infectious. Many parasites on cats can be infected with human beings, and of course some may be brought to cats through humans.

    three, the source of infection is everywhere. The owner's clothes and shoes can carry outdoor parasites and eggs; the sofa carpets in the home may also hide parasitic insects and eggs; mosquito bites or feeding raw meat may also infect parasites; healthy cats and sick cats directly contact, parasitic parasites Worms are also likely to be transmitted to healthy cats through sick cats;

    . The parasitic larvae in the mother can infect the fetus through the placenta, and it may be passed to the lactating kitten during breastfeeding.

  2. Many people want to know what parasites on cats and dogs are. In fact, the most common parasites on cats and dogs include tapeworms, hookworms, mites, filaments, ticks, and ringworms. Although the parasites are small, if you don't pay attention to it, the damage to the pet is still quite large, which will even cause pet death in severe cases.

    The method of prevention and treatment of parasites
    The parasites on cats and dogs

    In the hair and dogs usually sort out the hair, if you find a flea card inside the combing teeth, At this time, do not crush it immediately, but stick it to the rubber strip or put it in the water containing the detergent. The surface of the dog's skin.

    The parasites on cats and dogs

    The regular cleaning at home can also prevent jumping or other parasites. Care must be cleaned up between corners, the edge of the wooden board, the wool of the carpet and the blanket. You can also hang the insecticidal plate or pesticide under the carpet or blanket in the house.

    The best way to prevent cats and dogs for cats and dogs on cats and dogs. Some dedicated shampoos and care liquids that treat skin parasites are cleaned for dogs, and when washing, it started from scratch and washed little by little.

  3. How harm about cats and dogs have parasites? Learn these tricks to keep the cats and dogs away from parasitic trouble

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