3 thoughts on “Dreaming of digging money, dreaming of diamonds”

  1. Dreaming of digging diamonds means (programming interpretation):
    Plip dreams >> | Find people to interpret dreams >>
    The day when lazy people are lazy. On a large number of creative days, think about how to make yourself more comfortable, think about how to pay less, and get a good idea! But remind that creativity must be feasible! Otherwise, you can warn yourself to work well!
    The reference (procedure interpretation of procedures):
    woody downward exhibitions to avoid resistance to gold, so you can get peace without war Ke Qin Antai has nothing to do with it, and can succeed in a moment. During the period of Chinese and middle -aged, traffic accidents must also be guarded. [Fierce than Ji]
    The taboo for dreamed of digging diamonds (procedure dream interpretation):
    [should]: should be gone, should be PU leather bags, and you should watch coaxing. It is advisable to guess the mystery;
    [avoid]: avoids the public opinion to seek private interest, avoid sitting up and sit up, avoid billiards.

  2. Digging or picking up money is not a good sign. It is recommended that you pay attention to the recent words and deeds and life style. It is likely that someone or things will damage your money. Be careful.

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