6 thoughts on “Where can I recycle gold in Shijiazhuang and what is the phone call?”

  1. Golden shops, banks, and pawn banks are recycled. Generally, where the invoices are purchased and where to recover the price, the overall is not cost -effective. Do not be deceived by criminals. Generally, the ID card is required to record it;

    See the name of the invoice
    The gold rising stock fell in the past week
    The transaction price on December 16, 2014 was about 240 yuan, the gold jewelry was about 285 yuan, the investment of gold was 250 yuan, and the recovery price was only 210. Below of Yuan, you need to be cautious if you have risks in investment. If you need to query the detailed brand price, you can ask for verification;
    If beware of similar "Xingbang" cases and Golden Jia illegal fundraising advertisements
    despicable advertisements, despise some helping to help abuse and know administrator

  2. Dear, you ask, who dares to write a phone call. Find me. The avatar has a phone call. Essence Shijiazhuang urban area can be collected. Guarantee reliable. Essence

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